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Baner Pashan Link Road Troubles: Delays, Encroachments, and Traffic Chaos Continue

13 Sep 2024


The Baner Pashan Link Road faces severe traffic woes due to narrow roads, haphazard parking, encroachments, and ongoing Metro construction, causing daily frustration for residents and commuters. Despite multiple meetings with local authorities, protests, and solution-oriented suggestions, no significant improvements have been made. Footpaths are frequently used by speeding bikers, forcing pedestrians onto the already congested roads, while wrong-side driving and double-parking worsen the situation.

Residents, represented by the Baner Pashan Link Road Welfare Trust, have repeatedly voiced their concerns to traffic authorities, particularly about the lack of proper signage, missing parking boards, and footpath encroachments. However, little action has been taken. Ongoing Metro work and the delayed completion of missing road links further exacerbate the chaos, with no clear resolution in sight. The local MLA and officials have promised improvements, but residents are still waiting for tangible results.

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